Saturday, June 18, 2011

What Makes Kindermusik Different from the other music programs?

From the website:

 Our educators are the best in the businesscarefully chosen and expertly trained to give every child the experience that will benefit her the most. (Sidenote: That's right, I'm a certified graduate of "Kindermusik University."  Not only is a licensing program required for each educator, the "Miss Lindsay and Friends" program requires a rigorous in-class room training and mentoring program.)

We believe your child's most important teacher is you. So we give you great tools to continue the Kindermusik experience 
at home. (Another sidenote: Home materials are the best!  Crying baby in your backseat?  Pop the CD in and you and baby will be rocking to the exact same music she learned in Kindermusik that week!)

Our favorite gathering drum
Our program is based on research demonstrating the 
benefits of music at each stage of a child's development. We start from where your child is, regardless of his age, and provide activities that stimulate his mind, body, and sense of play. (Final sidenote: I love Kindermusk's concept of educating the "whole child" at the same time.  Yes my baby and I are having fun learning music, but also enhancing crucial brain development with each activity.)

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