Monday, August 1, 2011

Don't pencil me in-

Is scheduling unscheduled time an oxymoron?  For many years I was one of those moms who over scheduled my children- sports, music lessons, play dates, chess club (seriously); all enriching activities x4 kids.  A few years ago, due to an "unscheduled" life change (otherwise known as divorce), I hit my limit.  I was raising 4 kids alone, and tired.  They were involved in many worthwhile activities, but frequently begged to "please just let me stay home."  I was tired of hurrying them into the car, and forcing them to go to "fun places" to do "fun," "this is good for you darn it!" things.

So I did it. I canceled EVERYTHING.  Other than school and church, we didn't go anywhere.  My children came home from preschool and elementary school, and did nothing but play.  Special bonus- I saved money NOT paying for things! They made up games, put on plays, rode bikes, and even played alone some afternoons.  Sometimes, I actually had time to make them a dinner, other than scrambled eggs or chicken nuggets.  My house had never been so messy, but it was wonderful.

Since then, life has returned to "normal" (single, actually DATING mom "holy cow this is hard but OK!" normal), and we've added the important activities back in (yes, including Kindermusik for the Young Child for Beatrice!), and I've even let one child participate in organized sports where I have to drive her to practice because she begged for over a year.  I've tried to retain lessons I was forced to learn.

With kids, it's true that less is more.  Although I never would have chosen the circumstances under which I learned this lesson, I'm grateful for it.  This summer I scheduled nothing for any of them (except Kindermusik for Bea and piano lessons for the older kids with wonderful Miss Shannon) and it's been relaxing.  A relaxing summer!  A novel idea!  (Yes, my house is still trashed but they get to clean their own messes every night.)

Plus, with unscheduled time, great things can happen.  Yesterday my girls came home from our neighbor's house with this off-the-cuff picture they posed. . .

Crazy hair and outfits, but hilarious!

For more on Overscheduled Kids, I loved this article on the blog Parenting 24/7.

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